

微分方程 $y^{”} – \lambda^{2}y = e^{\lambda x} + e^{- \lambda x} (\lambda > 0)$ 的特解形式为 $?$

A. a (e^{\lambda x} + e^{- \lambda x})

B. ax (e^{\lambda x} + e^{- \lambda x})

C. x (ae^{\lambda x} + be^{- \lambda x})

D. x^{2} (ae^{\lambda x} + be^{- \lambda x})


犹如末日电影:肯尼迪航天中心上空出现巨型风暴 | Like The End Of The World: A Big Storm Clouds Appear Over The Kennedy Space Center

Photographer: NASA/Ben Smegelsky
Image Credit: NASA/Ben Smegelsky
Image From: https://images.nasa.gov/details-KSC-20200728-PH-JBS02_0003
继续阅读“犹如末日电影:肯尼迪航天中心上空出现巨型风暴 | Like The End Of The World: A Big Storm Clouds Appear Over The Kennedy Space Center”

NASA 地图展示贝鲁特港口大爆炸的影响范围|NASA Made a Map showing the Extent of the Beirut Blast

Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Earth Observatory of Singapore/ESA
Image From: https://www.nasa.gov/feature/jpl/nasa-maps-beirut-blast-damage
继续阅读“NASA 地图展示贝鲁特港口大爆炸的影响范围|NASA Made a Map showing the Extent of the Beirut Blast”


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