犹如末日电影:肯尼迪航天中心上空出现巨型风暴 | Like The End Of The World: A Big Storm Clouds Appear Over The Kennedy Space Center

Photographer: NASA/Ben Smegelsky
Image Credit: NASA/Ben Smegelsky
Image From: https://images.nasa.gov/details-KSC-20200728-PH-JBS02_0003



当地时间 2020 年 07 月 28 日,在位于佛罗里达州的肯尼迪航天中心的飞行器装配大楼上空出现了一个巨型的风暴云,这样的情景不免给人一种电影中世界末日的既视感。这个飞行器装配大楼是肯尼迪航天中心内的标志性建筑物,高约 160 米。在该装配大楼内,可以将火箭与飞船垂直组装并作为一个整体运往发射台。图片拍摄时,这个装配大楼内正在组装即将用于 Artemis I 任务中的太空发射系统火箭——NASA 开展 Artemis 计划的目的是重返月球以及使人类踏足更遥远的星球——火星。

English Picture Description

August 4, 2020 local time, A big storm clouds appear over the Vehicle Assembly Building which at Kennedy Space Center. Such a scene makes me remember the end of the world in movies. The Vehicle Assembly Building is 160 meters tall and it is the iconic building at Kennedy Space Center. The building’s main function is to assemble the rockets and when the picture was taken, NASA is assembling the Space Launch System for Artemis I mission. With the Artemis missions, NASA plans to return to the Moon and go to Mars.

[1]. Creative Photography – Storm Clouds over LC 39 Area





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