据大公文汇全媒体报道,在香港首家进驻的共享单车公司Gobee.bike宣布停止在香港的服务.此前,Gobee.bike已经结束在多个欧洲城市的服务. Gobee.bike的创始人是一名法国企业家Raphaël Cohen,Gobee的总部设立在香港.

The statement of translation:
Original English text address: http://gobeebike.fr/en/goodbye-en/
Original English text is from Gobee.bike, The original English text is translated into Simplified Chinese by the DaoHangGou. The translation is for reference only.
Dear users,
It is with great sadness that we are officially announcing to our community the termination of Gobee.bike service in France on 24 February 2018. This was a tough decision to make as we believed we could serve our users with a smart transportation service. It was a disappointing and extremely frustrating decision for the entire Gobee staff, who has worked hard and with passion until the very end to make this project a success.
As you may have heard already, on January 9, 2018, we were forced to end our services in 3 cities: Lille, Reims and Brussels. We did not give up and were still eager to succeed in cities where we were still operating in, as our number of rides was growing, and we hoped for the best.
But we were wrong.
Over the months of December and January, the mass destruction of our fleet has become the new entertainment of underaged individuals, encouraged by content broadly shared on social media. In total, it is more than a thousand bikes stolen or privatized, nearly 3,400 bikes broken nationwide, around 280 complaints filed to the French Municipal Police and close to 6,500 repairs performed by our on-the-ground agents and repair partners.
It was sad and disappointing to realize that a few individuals could ruin such a beautiful and promising project. We had to come to the conclusion that it could not be viable and there was no other choice for us than shutting down, nationwide.
We have refunded users deposit and refundable top-up credit. The amount will be transferred upon 10 working days on the bank account used when they registered on the Gobee app.
In 4 months, we have accomplished fantastic things. We would like to thank each of you who supported us in this project and turned it into a shared passion.
We thank you, our community of users, for all the thousands of kind messages and for the hundreds of thousands of rides on our green bikes. We thank you for your trust, your support, your patience and for challenging us to improve.
We thank our partners for seeing in this project the opportunity to raise awareness on the importance of a new urban mobility.
We thank the Gobee.bike team from every city and every country where we operated. We were all bound to the same conviction that together we could disrupt mobility, where freedom of use and community can be equally fuelled through innovation.
We thank the French Municipal Police, who has restlessly supported us to ensure the safety of our fleet on a nationwide basis, and the public administrations who have worked with us and opened the door to an innovative service led by French entrepreneurs.
Gobee.bike was born from our passion for mobility. We encourage you to keep spreading the values inherent to bike-sharing and Gobee.bike itself: freedom, community and innovation.
Values that brought us this far and that gave life to this amazing project.
Gobee-bye !
Gobee, 再见!
The Gobee.bike Team
In brief, what happened?
We started operations on October 5, 2017, in Lille and consequently launched 7 other cities in Europe. In 4 months, 60% of our fleet was destroyed, stolen or privatized, making the whole European project no longer sustainable.
But… Did your solution work?
We do think so. We had more than 150,000 users all over Europe in few months, strong media coverage and kind messages from our users on social media. In France, people spent on average 12 minutes on our bikes and have ridden 448,121 km since inception. Congratulations to Parisians who rode together around 100 times the distance of the Tour de France or have circled 11 times the globe… for a very low CO2 emission. Good job guys!
Did you succeed in catching people responsible for the acts of vandalism?
The French Police caught some people suspected of vandalism or theft, either during the act or thanks to our geolocalization. A number of investigations are still ongoing. The authorities are prosecuting them and if they are found guilty we expect them to pay economically and socially for their acts.
What is your fleet becoming? Is it going to stay in the street?
We have collected our fleet from the streets by our own means. Should other bikes pop up for any reason, we have put in place partnerships and agreements with third parties: city halls, associations, scrap dealers to collect them. For instance, the non-profit organizations “Tous pour un vélo, un vélo pour tous”, “Temps Libre” and “Pro2Cycle”, active in Paris and Lyon, will be entitled to collect and repair the bikes so they could be used for a good cause. If you find one of our green bikes left alone and looking sad on the sidewalk, please contact the following associations to inform them of the location of the bikes so that they can come and collect it:
Associations loi 1901 Tous pour un vélo, Un vélo pour tous (recycling) et Temps Libre (reuse) and Ville de Bagnolet (warehouse). Contact: Facebook https://www.facebook.com/touspourunvelo or contact@la-petite-recyclerie.fr
成立于1901年的法定自行车协会,自行车回收和重新利用的Bagnolet仓库.联系:Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/touspourunvelo ,或者:contact@la-petite-recyclerie.fr
Pro2Cycle is a loi 1901 association which promotes the use of bikes in urban areas and smart mobility in the Metropole of Lyon. Contact: secretariat.velo@gmail.com
Pro2Cycle 是一个loi 1901协会,致力于城市地区自行车的使用以及里昂的智能交通.联系:secretariat.velo@gmail.com