NASA: Ice Block Avalanche(冰块崩塌)

One of the most actively changing areas on Mars are the steep edges of the North Polar layered deposits. This image from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) shows many new ice blocks compared to an earlier image in December 2006. An animation shows one example, where a section of ice cliff collapsed. The older image (acquired in bin-2 mode) is not as sharp as the newer one.




原文标题:Ice Block Avalanche



The picture in this article and the English original text are all from NASA, DaoHangGou translated the original text and translated for reference only.

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Original title: Ice Block Avalanche


One of the most actively changing areas on Mars are the steep edges of the North Polar layered deposits. This image from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) shows many new ice blocks compared to an earlier image in December 2006. An animation shows one example, where a section of ice cliff collapsed. The older image (acquired in bin-2 mode) is not as sharp as the newer one.



HiRISE has been re-imaging regions first photographed in 2006 through 2007, six Mars years ago. This long baseline allows us to see large, rare changes as well as many smaller changes.



The University of Arizona, Tucson, operates HiRISE, which was built by Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp., Boulder, Colorado. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of Caltech in Pasadena, California, manages the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Project for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, Washington.

亚利桑那大学图森分校负责操作HiRISE, HiRISE由Ball航天科技公司建造,该公司位于美国科罗拉多州Boulder市.NASA喷气推进实验室位于美国加州Pasadena市的 加利福尼亚理工学院的一个分部管理着位于华盛顿的美国宇航局科学任务局的火星侦测轨道飞行器项目.


Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Univ. of Arizona

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Last Updated: July 7, 2018
Editor: Tony Greicius


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