阿波罗计划 50 周年:NASA 在月球上使用的第一辆月球车

Figure 1. from: https://www.nasa.gov/centers/marshall/history/this-week-in-nasa-history-first-use-of-the-lunar-roving-vehicle-july-31.html

如果从 1969 年 NASA 的航天器成功登陆月球开始算起,今年是阿波罗计划 50 周年。

在 1971 年的 07 月 31 日,阿波罗 15 号任务首次在月球使用了月球漫游车。这是一台轻量级的车,使用电力驱动,可以在月球表面的低重力真空环境中行驶,帮助宇航员探索着陆点周围的环境。

本文中的这张照片是在阿波罗 15 号任务中宇航员第三次出舱活动时拍摄的,照片的背景是荒凉的月球和无穷无尽的深空。然而,当人类的脚步开始点缀在这颗星球上时,她的美便开始难以用语言形容。



猎鹰 9 火箭成功发射以色列卫星 AMOS-17

根据 SpaceX 公司官方 Twitter 账号 “@SpaceX” 的消息,猎鹰 9 火箭于当地时间 2019 年 08 月 06 日下午,成功将来自以色列的 AMOS-17 通讯卫星送入太空预定轨道。根据有关消息,该卫星提供的网络服务可以覆盖非洲大陆、欧洲和中东地区。该卫星的第一个版本 AMOS-6 曾在 2016 年的 SpaceX 发射任务中因爆炸被毁。

AMOS-17 被成功部署:

Figure 1. From twitter.com/SpaceX

此次发射 AMOS-17 所用到的助推器已经是第三次飞行,同时也是 SpaceX 第 25 次发射轨道级火箭。

在位于美国佛罗里达州的 40 号发射台上等待发射指令的猎鹰 9 火箭:

Figure 2. From twitter.com/SpaceX

发射进入 60 秒倒计时:

Figure 3. From twitter.com/SpaceX

本次任务中的猎鹰 9 火箭发射瞬间:

Figure 4. From twitter.com/SpaceX


Churning in the Chukchi Sea(翻腾的 Chukchi 海)

from https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/chukchi_oli_2018169_lrg_0.jpg
上图经过了压缩,原图有大约 2.9 MB (2,880,992 Byte), 原图请访问 HERE .
The picture above has been compressed. The original picture is about 2.9 MB (2,880,992 Byte) and it’s HERE .

Regardless of the amount of winter ice cover, the waters off of the Alaskan coast usually come alive each spring with blooms of phytoplankton. These blooms can form striking patterns of blue and green seawater, such as those visible in this image of the Chukchi Sea acquired on June 18, 2018, by the Operational Land Imager (OLI) on Landsat 8.

不考虑冬季冰盖的数量,基本上每年的春天,阿拉斯加海岸附近的水域都会随着浮游植物的盛放而显得生机勃勃.这些盛放的浮游植物可以形成引人注目的蓝色或者绿色的海水,例如这张由地球资源卫星8号上的军用陆地成像仪于2018年6月18日在 Chukchi 海拍摄到的图像.

继续阅读“Churning in the Chukchi Sea(翻腾的 Chukchi 海)”

A Merger of Stars(恒星合并)

from https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/ssc2017-14a1.jpg
from https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/ssc2017-14a1.jpg

上图经过了压缩,原图有大约 181.1 KB (181,103 Byte), 原图请访问 HERE .
The picture above has been compressed. The original picture is about 181.1 KB (181,103 Byte) and it’s HERE .

Launched nearly 15 years ago on August 25, 2003, the Spitzer Space Telescope is the final mission in NASA’s Great Observatories Program – a family of four space-based observatories, each observing the universe in a different kind of light. The other missions in the program include the visible-light Hubble Space Telescope, Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory, and the Chandra X-Ray Observatory.

Spitzer太空望远镜于大约15年前的2003年08月25日发射升空,这是NASA伟大天文台计划的最后一个任务,这个任务的大家庭包含4个太空望远镜,每个观测站以不同的波段观测着宇宙。该计划中的其他成员包括:工作在可见光波段的哈勃太空望远镜,Compton伽玛射线天文台以及Chandra X 射线天文台。

继续阅读“A Merger of Stars(恒星合并)”

Crew Dragon Hardware Put to the Test(龙飞船开始进行硬件测试)

SpaceX的龙飞船正在NASA位于俄亥俄州的Plum Brook站点接受关于太空推进设备的测试。这是世界上唯一一个能够在模拟的高空环境中测试全尺寸高级运载工具和火箭发动机的地方。这个实验仓将允许SpaceX和NASA验证龙飞船是否有能力经受太空的真空环境和极端的温度。

继续阅读“Crew Dragon Hardware Put to the Test(龙飞船开始进行硬件测试)”

NASA: ‘X’-ploring the Eagle Nebula and ‘Pillars of Creation’(’X射线’-探索巨蛇座鹰状星云和"创造之柱")

This new composite image shows the region around the Pillars, which are about 5,700 light years from Earth. The image combines X-ray data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and Hubble Space Telescope optical data. The optical image, taken with filters to emphasize the interstellar gas and dust, shows dusty brown nebula immersed in a blue-green haze, and a few stars that appear as pink dots in the image. The Chandra data reveal X-rays from hot outer atmospheres from stars. In this image, low, medium, and high-energy X-rays detected by Chandra have been colored red, green, and blue.

继续阅读“NASA: ‘X’-ploring the Eagle Nebula and ‘Pillars of Creation’(’X射线’-探索巨蛇座鹰状星云和"创造之柱")”

"机遇号"火星车的移动轨迹/The Trajectory of The Opportunity Mars Rover


继续阅读“"机遇号"火星车的移动轨迹/The Trajectory of The Opportunity Mars Rover”

NASA: 2018 Class of NASA Flight Directors for the Mission Control Center(NASA 2018年任务控制中心的飞行主管团队)

NASA has selected six women and men to join the elite corps of flight directors who will lead mission control for a variety of new operations at the agency’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. From left to right: Marcos Flores, Allison Bolinger, Adi Boulos, Rebecca Wingfield, Pooja Jesrani, and Paul Konyha.

继续阅读“NASA: 2018 Class of NASA Flight Directors for the Mission Control Center(NASA 2018年任务控制中心的飞行主管团队)”

NASA: Earth’s Limb, Pacific Ocean and the Space Station’s Kibo Laboratory(地球的边缘,太平洋和国际空间站的Kibo实验室)

The Earth’s limb and the Pacific Ocean contrast segments of the International Space Station’s Kibo laboratory module built by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency in this June 23, 2018 image. At right is a portion of the Experiment Logistics Module, Pressurized Section (ELM-PS) which is the Kibo lab’s storage facility. Next to the ELM-PS is Kibo’s 10-meter-long robotic arm, or Remote Manipulator System, which is attached to the lab module’s core component, the Pressurized Module.

继续阅读“NASA: Earth’s Limb, Pacific Ocean and the Space Station’s Kibo Laboratory(地球的边缘,太平洋和国际空间站的Kibo实验室)”

NASA: NASA’s Unmanned Ikhana Flies in National Airspace Without Chase Plane(NASA的无人驾驶飞行器Ikhana在没有追逐飞机的情况下在美国领空飞行)

NASA’s Ikhana aircraft, based at the agency’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California, takes off on June 12, 2018, for the agency’s first large-scale, remotely-piloted aircraft flight in the national airspace without a safety chase aircraft. The successful flight moved the United States one step closer to normalizing unmanned aircraft operations in the airspace used by commercial and private pilots.


继续阅读“NASA: NASA’s Unmanned Ikhana Flies in National Airspace Without Chase Plane(NASA的无人驾驶飞行器Ikhana在没有追逐飞机的情况下在美国领空飞行)”


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