Crew Dragon Hardware Put to the Test(龙飞船开始进行硬件测试)

SpaceX的龙飞船正在NASA位于俄亥俄州的Plum Brook站点接受关于太空推进设备的测试。这是世界上唯一一个能够在模拟的高空环境中测试全尺寸高级运载工具和火箭发动机的地方。这个实验仓将允许SpaceX和NASA验证龙飞船是否有能力经受太空的真空环境和极端的温度。

上图经过了压缩,原图有大约 1.7 MB(1,653,259 Byte), 原图请访问 HERE .
The picture above has been compressed. The original picture is about 1.7 MB(1,653,259 Byte) and it’s HERE .

SpaceX’s Crew Dragon is at NASA’s Plum Brook Station in Ohio, to undergo testing in the In-Space Propulsion Facility—the world’s only facility capable of testing full-scale upper-stage launch vehicles and rocket engines under simulated high-altitude conditions. The chamber will allow SpaceX and NASA to verify Crew Dragon’s ability to withstand the extreme temperatures and vacuum of space.

SpaceX的龙飞船正在NASA位于俄亥俄州的Plum Brook站点接受关于太空推进设备的测试。这是世界上唯一一个能够在模拟的高空环境中测试全尺寸高级运载工具和火箭发动机的地方。这个实验仓将允许SpaceX和NASA验证龙飞船是否有能力经受太空的真空环境和极端的温度。

This is the spacecraft that SpaceX will fly during its Demonstration Mission 1 flight test under NASA’s Commercial Crew Transportation Capability contract with the goal of returning human spaceflight launch capabilities to the United States.


Image Credit: SpaceX
Last Updated: June 27, 2018
Editor: Sarah Loff

原文标题:Crew Dragon Hardware Put to the Test


The picture in this article and the English original text are all from NASA, DaoHangGou translated the original text and translated for reference only.
Original link:
Original title: Crew Dragon Hardware Put to the Test


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