NASA: ‘X’-ploring the Eagle Nebula and ‘Pillars of Creation’(’X射线’-探索巨蛇座鹰状星云和"创造之柱")

This new composite image shows the region around the Pillars, which are about 5,700 light years from Earth. The image combines X-ray data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and Hubble Space Telescope optical data. The optical image, taken with filters to emphasize the interstellar gas and dust, shows dusty brown nebula immersed in a blue-green haze, and a few stars that appear as pink dots in the image. The Chandra data reveal X-rays from hot outer atmospheres from stars. In this image, low, medium, and high-energy X-rays detected by Chandra have been colored red, green, and blue.

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"机遇号"火星车的移动轨迹/The Trajectory of The Opportunity Mars Rover


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NASA: 2018 Class of NASA Flight Directors for the Mission Control Center(NASA 2018年任务控制中心的飞行主管团队)

NASA has selected six women and men to join the elite corps of flight directors who will lead mission control for a variety of new operations at the agency’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. From left to right: Marcos Flores, Allison Bolinger, Adi Boulos, Rebecca Wingfield, Pooja Jesrani, and Paul Konyha.

继续阅读“NASA: 2018 Class of NASA Flight Directors for the Mission Control Center(NASA 2018年任务控制中心的飞行主管团队)”

NASA: Earth’s Limb, Pacific Ocean and the Space Station’s Kibo Laboratory(地球的边缘,太平洋和国际空间站的Kibo实验室)

The Earth’s limb and the Pacific Ocean contrast segments of the International Space Station’s Kibo laboratory module built by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency in this June 23, 2018 image. At right is a portion of the Experiment Logistics Module, Pressurized Section (ELM-PS) which is the Kibo lab’s storage facility. Next to the ELM-PS is Kibo’s 10-meter-long robotic arm, or Remote Manipulator System, which is attached to the lab module’s core component, the Pressurized Module.

继续阅读“NASA: Earth’s Limb, Pacific Ocean and the Space Station’s Kibo Laboratory(地球的边缘,太平洋和国际空间站的Kibo实验室)”

NASA: NASA’s Unmanned Ikhana Flies in National Airspace Without Chase Plane(NASA的无人驾驶飞行器Ikhana在没有追逐飞机的情况下在美国领空飞行)

NASA’s Ikhana aircraft, based at the agency’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California, takes off on June 12, 2018, for the agency’s first large-scale, remotely-piloted aircraft flight in the national airspace without a safety chase aircraft. The successful flight moved the United States one step closer to normalizing unmanned aircraft operations in the airspace used by commercial and private pilots.


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NASA: A Closer View of the Moon(近距离观察月球)

Posted to Twitter by @Astro_Alex, European Space Agency astronaut Alexander Gerst, this image shows our planet’s Moon as seen from the International Space Station. As he said in the tweet, “By orbiting the Earth almost 16 times per day, the #ISS crew travel the distance to the Moon and back – every day. #Horizons”

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NASA: SpaceX’s Falcon 9 Rocket Launches Dragon to the International Space Station(SpaceX的猎鹰9号火箭将龙飞船发射到国际空间站)

At 5:42 a.m. EDT Friday, June 29, 2018, SpaceX’s Dragon spacecraft lifts off on a Falcon 9 rocket from Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. Dragon is carrying more than 5,900 pounds of research, equipment, cargo and supplies that will support dozens of scientific investigations aboard the International Space Station.

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NASA: Ice Block Avalanche(冰块崩塌)

One of the most actively changing areas on Mars are the steep edges of the North Polar layered deposits. This image from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) shows many new ice blocks compared to an earlier image in December 2006. An animation shows one example, where a section of ice cliff collapsed. The older image (acquired in bin-2 mode) is not as sharp as the newer one.

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NASA: County Fire Lights Up the Night(山火照亮了夜空)

Light from the County Fire illuminated the night skies of Northern California when the Suomi NPP satellite acquired this image overnight on July 1, 2018. With plenty of light from a nearly full Moon, the smoke was even visible streaming southwest toward San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean.

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