Flickr joins SmugMug to create the world’s best home for photography
Together is where photographers belong!

Flickr has always been defined by the strength of our community. We are visual storytellers. We are creators. We inspire each other and the world by showcasing the beauty around us. We share our passions and our perspectives. We transcend boundaries with our art. We find affinity with strangers and create bonds that last the length of our lives. We aspire to greatness and we teach each other what we know.
Over the past 14 years, we’ve embraced our Flickr family and we’ve made Flickr our home.
Now, we are excited to expand our family and our home. We’re thrilled to announce that Flickr will be joining SmugMug to create the world’s best home for photography.

SmugMug is one of the most dynamic platforms for visual storytelling in the world and we share their passionate dedication to photography and photographers.
As we unite with them, we are returning to the focus that made us the world’s trailblazing online photography community. We are reinforcing our commitment to creators and making sure Flickr remains the best place for them to connect, to share, and to develop their passion.
Over the course of the next month, we look forward to providing more details and we’ll keep you informed of developments that will matter to you. In the meantime, please read our extended Q&A and join the discussion on the Help Forum.
~The Flickr Team
2018年05月25日,在Flickr发给注册用户的邮件中再次确认了SmugMug 并购 Flickr的消息。
如 我們在 4 月 20 日的公告所述,Flickr 已同意由 SmugMug 併購。SmugMug 提供影像平台,是致力推動以視覺方式「說故事」的服務供應商。SmugMug 多年來為攝影愛好者服務,讓他們改善作品、將作品放到 Flickr 及我們的創意社群。
是次併購對你的 Flickr 帳戶不會構成即時影響。 Flickr 產品及品牌會繼續在 SmugMug 旗下為你服務。你仍可以透過 www.flickr.com 和我們的流動應用程式,繼續享用你熟悉和喜愛的 Flickr。SmugMug 和 Flickr 仍是獨立品牌,而你將可繼續選擇使用免費或 Flickr Pro 帳戶。除非另有通知,否則你可以繼續使用目前的登入憑證。
進行併購後,Flickr 帳戶會受 SmugMug 的 Flickr 服務條款 和 Flickr 私隱政策約束。併購後,Flickr 目前擁有者 Oath (前稱雅虎) 的服務條款及私隱政策將不再適用於 Flickr 服務。因此,請在 2018 年 5 月 25 日前參閱 SmugMug 的服務條款和私隱政策。如你沒有採取任何行動,你的帳戶便會在併購後改受 SmugMug 的 Flickr 服務條款及 Flickr 私隱政策約束。
如你不同意 SmugMug 的服務條款和私隱政策,便需要透過 帳戶設定刪除。 如你想保留相片副本,請先從 相機膠卷 下載。
如欲了解是次變更的詳情, 請前往 Flickr 網誌的 常見問題部分。
對於 Flickr 能成為閣下攝影作品的放送平台,我們深感榮幸。我們也期待在加入 SmugMug 的大家庭後,一起為大家展開新一頁。
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