Google CEO Sundar Pichai 于当地时间 2019 年 10 月 23 日发表了一篇名为 “What our quantum computing milestone means”(《我们量子计算的里程碑意味着什么》)的博文,在该博文中,Pichai 说 Google 在量子计算领域已经取得了“巨大突破”,即通常所说的“量子霸权 (Quantum Supremacy)”.
Pichai 说:”We can think about today’s news in the context of building the first rocket that successfully left Earth’s gravity to touch the edge of space. At the time, some asked: Why go into space without getting anywhere useful? But it was a big first for science because it allowed humans to envision a totally different realm of travel … to the moon, to Mars, to galaxies beyond our own. It showed us what was possible and nudged the seemingly impossible into frame.”
Pichai 认为,量子计算之于世界的意义就是让我们看到了 “a moment of possibility”, 并且量子计算将使我们能用另一种语言描述和理解宇宙,量子计算使人类不再受限于 1 和 0 这两种状态,我们将拥有所有的状态,美丽的,复杂的以及拥有无限可能的状态。
Google 量子计算机使用的梧桐芯片 (Sycamore chip):

《自然》杂志已经发表了一篇关于 Google 实现量子霸权的论文,在线阅读地址:
本站提供了该论文的 PDF 版,下载链接: